RAPIX Emergency | DALI 照明制御 非常灯 監視 (海外向)

RAPIX Emergency

RAPIX Emergency is the intelligent DALI Emergency Lighting Monitoring System with ‘One Click’ commissioning.

RAPIX Emergency is a complete monitoring solution for emergency lighting. It is simple to use, provides ease of operation and ensures compliance obligations are met.

RAPIX Emergency is suitable for use in all projects where Emergency Lighting Monitoring is required – from smaller residential fit-outs to the largest commercial installations.

RAPIX Emergency software connects to the DALI line using the RAPIX Zone Controller or Ethernet Interface.

When a project is commissioned using the RAPIX Integrator software, the project can be directly used with RAPIX Emergency.

Software Features

  • Connect & auto-scan DALI lines
  • Auto-addresses DALI devices
  • Identify all Emergency DALI devices
  • Groups fixtures
  • Set maintenance schedule
  • Generates automated reports
  • Auto-emails reports
  • Password protected access control
  • Scalable solution
  • Versions to suit different national standards
  • Import project from other RAPIX software tools


Key Features

Scheduled Tests

Auto-generated tests to comply with national standard intervals for discharge and function tests.


Auto-generated tests to comply with national standard intervals for discharge and function tests.

Scalable Solution

From small residential fit-outs to the largest commercial installations.

East to use

Intuitive software – allows confirmation at the touch of a button – and with 1-click commissioning!

Frequently Asked Questions

If the Emergency Lamp Driver is marked with the DALI logo, then RAPIX Emergency should work fine.

Some Emergency Lamp Drivers are listed as DALI compatible, and these may have limitations or aspects of behaviour that do not comply with the DALI standard.

RAPIX Emergency has been developed using older fluorescent emergency lamp drivers, as well as modern LED emergency lamp drivers, including many DALI compatible drivers. It includes work-arounds for the frequent firmware defects in emergency lamp drivers, so it is highly likely to work. Nevertheless we recommend using DALI compliant drivers, as listed on the web site of the the Digital Illumination Industry Alliance (DiiA).

A PC that running MS Windows 8.1 or higher, with ethernet networking capabilities.

RAPIX Emergency will run fine on Windows Server versions, and can by used in virtual machines.

For building facilities managers, we recommend running RAPIX Emergency in a virtual machine alongside other building services.

For detailed requirements, see HERE.

A RAPIX Zone Controller allows connectivity to up to 4 DALI lines, and is ideal when the Zone Controller is used for other functions. For more DALI lines, add more Zone Controllers.

A simple method, more suited to mixed installations where DALI is connected to another fieldbus gateway (KNX, Dynalite, C-Bus, etc) is the RAPIX Ethernet Interface. Each RAPIX Ethernet Interface allows connection to up to 2 DALI lines.

In both cases, Ethernet is used to link the interface device to the computer running the RAPIX Emergency software.

RAPIX Emergency includes access control so that after setup, only manual tests can be activated and the results can be checked.

There are no “back doors” or master passwords.

Nevertheless, recovery may be possible. Please contact Ozuno for assistance.

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